Thursday 14 January 2021


 The evil ones want to deceive Christian people by teaching the pre trib rapture lie.  Some are merely mislead and others deceive due to evil.  So the lukewarm churchy lose their faith when they "miss the rapture" and believers understand they must die for their faith - totally unprepared.   All cause their paid for lying preachers teach it to plant a false prophecy so when it fails they can call Jesus a  false prophet and deny him and end up worshiping the beast.   

Besides church goers will have fewer tithe payers if they know they must die for the faith, so preachers teach the pre trib fairy tale lie.    Pre tribber teachers lie and say: "Jesus is not a wife beater" "God would never let us die for our faith or suffer persecution" "that clear Bible warning verse is not for Christians, it is ONLY for the Jews"  10 of the 12 apostles died for their faith. Stephen died for his faith. Paul died for his faith. Millions in history died for their faith in Jesus. Pre tribbers are the spoiled brats of western churchianity.

 50+ Millions Christians died in Communist Russian under Stalin in the last 100 years,  what they were not worthy to escape?    Perhaps they can trick them to take 666 the mark of the beast since Satan  convinced them it is not the mark of the beast  as they can not be here for it?   

Why we will not be here for the mark of the beast - so this can not be it they shall say   many shall deny their faith thinking Jesus was a "false prophet" since he "lied" about the pre trib rapture...?  false prophecies has consequences....   they shall follow the messiah of the ANTICHRIST Jews as the  Jews proudly proclaim:  "SEE WE TOLD YOU JESUS WAS A FALSE MESSIAH AND FALSE PROPHET? false prophecies has consequences....

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