Friday 15 January 2021

Request For Rapid Development In Africa By John Terence Ononuju

 To Sign My Petition, Follow Link:


There Is Great Need For All African Leaders To Start The Rapid Development Of Africa Immediately, Reaching Out To The Rural Areas In Africa..Signing This Petition Will Help Send This Strong Message To All The African Leaders.Let Us Collectively Urge Our African Leaders to Start The Rapid Development In Africa. Beloved Africans, Sign This Petition To Make It Work Faster!


Dear  African Leaders,

We, The Beloved Citizens Of Africa Urge You All To Commence The Rapid Development Of Africa, Reaching Out To The Rural Areas Of Africa Before The Year 2050.

Leaders In The Developed Countries Sacrificed Towards The Development Of Their Various Countries.Today, Their Citizens Are Enjoying This Great Development, While They(Their Leaders) Are Being Celebrated.

We Africans Want To Celebrate You Our African Leaders Too, When You Play These Great Roles In Developing Africa For Us.
We Are Expecting Good News, As You All Commence The Rapid Development Of Africa, Immediately

Support 2023 Nigerian Presidency Of Igbo Extraction By John Terence Ononuju

 Beloved Nigerians, we your brothers and sisters from Igboland of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, thank you so much for your love and care.

As loving and caring people too, Ndigbo have decided to move a step further in the promotion of unity, peace and progress of our beloved country Nigeria, promising to carry all Nigerians along, without any marginalization.

This can only be actualized, when an Igbo man emerges the next President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria by the year 2023 with your full support, as concerned Nigerians.

Ndigbo as you all know, have waited patiently for Nigerian Presidency, strongly believing that the rest of you beloved Nigerians, will give them full support for the 2023 Nigerian Presidency, to enable them further contribute towards the development of Nigeria.

It will be very unfair if Ndigbo are denied the 2023 Presidency in their own country.If the rest of Nigerians will be fair in their judgement, they can testify that Ndigbo have greatly contributed towards the development of Nigeria.

The emergence of an Igbo man as the next President of Nigeria come 2023, will help transform our great country Nigeria in the best interest of all Nigerians.

Sign this petition to support this great cause for 2023 Nigerian Presidency of Igbo extraction.

May God bless Nigeria.

Don't Get Lost By 2050 Written By John Terence Ononuju

 I humbly urge more developing countries of the world to sign up now to #Vision2050
Worldwide Development or risk getting lost by the year 2050...When you sign up to this great vision, start the
development race immediately to enable you meet up with this target, in the best interest of your beloved citizens.

In order to make this great vision work faster in your various developing countries, you must first develop the myopic mindset of 90% of your citizens through media sensitization campaign, series of seminar and workshop in the areas of Healthcare/Personal hygiene, Agriculture, Education, Information Technology, Research/Invention, Skills Exhibition, Shunning of corruption/crime and many more.

While developing the mindset of these citizens, also commence your infrastructural development in order to balance these two major areas of development, for a positive result...Involve the remaining 10% of your visionary citizens and your visionary supporters globally, to make it an accomplished dream.

When all these factors are put in place, I don't think anything can stop your various developing countries from meeting up with the #Vision2050 Worldwide Development.

I understand that the past and present leaders of your beloved developing countries came up with various vision that did not see the light of the day, simply because the right strategy for its actualization was not applied...Sadly, the citizens have lost confidence in them, promising never to believe in their so called vision again.

Happily, this #Vision2050 Worldwide Development is unique, and if the right strategy is applied for its actualization, your various countries will move from developing to developed countries before the year 2050.

Support Your Leaders To Develop Your Countries By John Terence Ononuju

The leaders in the already developed countries of the world, have played their part in promoting development in their various countries, with the support of their visionary citizens.

In a special way, I appeal to the good citizens of the developing countries to help their leaders in actualizing same, too.Don't sit back to criticize them...Think of the roles you can play individually in helping them promote development in your various countries.

Together, we must actualize #Vision2050 Worldwide Development.

Thursday 14 January 2021


 The evil ones want to deceive Christian people by teaching the pre trib rapture lie.  Some are merely mislead and others deceive due to evil.  So the lukewarm churchy lose their faith when they "miss the rapture" and believers understand they must die for their faith - totally unprepared.   All cause their paid for lying preachers teach it to plant a false prophecy so when it fails they can call Jesus a  false prophet and deny him and end up worshiping the beast.   

Besides church goers will have fewer tithe payers if they know they must die for the faith, so preachers teach the pre trib fairy tale lie.    Pre tribber teachers lie and say: "Jesus is not a wife beater" "God would never let us die for our faith or suffer persecution" "that clear Bible warning verse is not for Christians, it is ONLY for the Jews"  10 of the 12 apostles died for their faith. Stephen died for his faith. Paul died for his faith. Millions in history died for their faith in Jesus. Pre tribbers are the spoiled brats of western churchianity.

 50+ Millions Christians died in Communist Russian under Stalin in the last 100 years,  what they were not worthy to escape?    Perhaps they can trick them to take 666 the mark of the beast since Satan  convinced them it is not the mark of the beast  as they can not be here for it?   

Why we will not be here for the mark of the beast - so this can not be it they shall say   many shall deny their faith thinking Jesus was a "false prophet" since he "lied" about the pre trib rapture...?  false prophecies has consequences....   they shall follow the messiah of the ANTICHRIST Jews as the  Jews proudly proclaim:  "SEE WE TOLD YOU JESUS WAS A FALSE MESSIAH AND FALSE PROPHET? false prophecies has consequences....


 Mr. Peter had a job interview to attend at 10am but his wife developed complications at 9am. He decided to take the wife to the hospital and leave for the interview thereafter but on their way to the hospital, the taxi broke down. It was already 10:30am before he could get another taxi.
He arrived the hospital at 11am, dropped the wife and used the same taxi to go for the interview. He arrived the interview venue at 12noon(2hours late).

He rang the bell but no one opened the door. Meanwhile, earlier at 10am, the company mail delivery had rang the bell but no one opened the door too. When the door was finally opened, Mr. Peter said "I'm sorry, I came... " he wanted to apologise for coming late, but the Secretary interrupted before he could finish his statement and ushered him to the Board Room. The Secretary said, "I apologise, Mr. Peter, for keeping you waiting since 10am. We actually heard when the bell rang at 10am but we were held up in a meeting with our company suppliers.

However, we have sat since 8am to deliberate on your job specification, your office and the salary."

Mr. Peter was baffled and said, "Ma'am, I haven't been interviewed yet’’. The MD answered him and said, "We decided not to conduct the interview at least to save time and also save the interviewees money on transport. So we looked at the papers for the most appropriate person we wanted and we opted for you. Also, we had tested your patience this morning by keeping you waiting intentionally for 2hrs. That's part of your interview. You won't be disappointed. You’ll be shown your office, your secretary and the driver assigned to drive your company's allotted vehicle. You’ll be on probation for 2yrs."He got the job!!!

On his way out, his phone rang and it was the wife. She said, "honey, I was delivered of a bouncing baby boy." It was their fifth child and the only male child. He immediately named the child 'Miracle'.
He got a double miracle same day. All the disappointments turned out to favour him. God positioned the mail delivery man to ring the bell at 10am.

God also held them up in the meeting until Mr. Peter arrived.
_Note:_ You might be held up by issues in your life and hope might be diminishing and you think the chance is gone. But you know what? God's waiting for you to release His favour.
So don't go back along the way. Don't quit. Don't be upset by what you face along the way. In fact, God has already deliberated on your specifications.

One more thing: You don't have to go through any interview, since you have all the qualifications God wants.
My prayers for you: who share this testimony;

1. God will position somebody at the right place and the right time for you who will ring the bell in your favour.

2. God will turn all your disappointments to be a blessing for you.

3. Every positive meeting will end in your favour and every negative meeting will scatter in your favour.

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